Monday, February 18, 2008

Chinese Poker

Chinese poker is one of the well known forms of poker in the country but it’s even more popular in East Asia.It has been standardized for years now and all professional poker players know what exactly to expect once the game starts.There are different kinds of house rules on how to play but there are standards what everyone follows.
Anyone who wants to make it big in other types of poker games, they have to learn how to play chinese poker.It could be done through studying but learning poker means playing a lot of it and knowing the
rules by heart.

Flow of the Game :

Chinese Poker been played with regular deck of 52 cards - No Jokers and Wild Cards , up to 4 players in 1 table .You get dealt 13 cards and each other player gets 13 cards as well ,then each player divides is 13 cards into 3 different poker hands :back (5 cards) , middle (5 cards) , front (3 cards) .
the back hand must be stronger than the middle hand , the middle have to be stronger than the front hand ,the front must be the weakest from those 3 poker hands .Straights and flushes do not apply for the Front hand .
If you gonna make mistake at the arrangement you will pay a lot to each players,it is auto lost .Be sure you know the standart poker hand ranking .

Now you can download Chinese poker, and play Chinese poker

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